The Moyleman

The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015
The Moyleman, The Lewes Marathon 2015

This is the website for The Moyleman, the off-road marathon held in the hills around Lewes, East Sussex, run in memory of Chris Moyle, a local runner who loved these hills. Ash Head and Duncan Rawson, Race Directors, remember Chris in this article from the Martlets hospice website, where Chris was cared for during his illness.

The next race will take place on Sunday 16 March 2025.

To get a flavour of the event and the course, pictures of previous years can be found on our Flickr pages.

'The Moyleman' Lewes Marathon 2017
The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015
The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015
The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015
The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015
The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015
The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015
The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015
The Moyleman, Lewes Marathon 2015