moyleman 2021 event cancelled

Following the UK government announcement yesterday (4th January 2021), and in view of the rising levels of infection in the area, we have decided to cancel the 2021 race planned for mid-March.

We’ve carefully considered all possible options and take the view that now is the time to do all we can to help keep people safe. That includes our runners, our marshals, our volunteers and their families.

Like you, we are sad to lose this year’s event. We wanted to get this message out immediately, but we’d also like to set out our thinking behind this decision, so that will follow.

We’re also thinking of holding an online event where we can discuss planning for next year’s event. The race will next be held in March 2022. We’re looking at dates and will confirm this ASAP.

Stay at home, stay safe and healthy, follow the guidance and enjoy the hills and the trails responsibly.

All best wishes

Duncan & Ash

Duncan Rawson
Ash Head
Moyleman Race Directors