Marshals information 2015

Marshals’ briefing: 08:45, Sunday 15 March, Wallands School

Thank you for volunteering to marshal the 2015 Moyleman, aka the Lewes Marathon. We, the organisers, are so grateful that you’ve agreed to give up your time; and so, more importantly, are the runners. There’s free beer, thanks to Harveys, for marshals at the finish. Collect a beer token from the finishing team.
The race starts at 10:00 on Sunday 15 March at Landport Bottom.
There will be a briefing for marshals at 8:45 that morning in Wallands School, Gundreda Road, Lewes
BN7 1PU. If you can’t attend the briefing, and want to go straight to your marshalling point, please let me know. We’ll have to find a way to get your tabard to you.
Some of you have already agreed your marshalling points with me and/or have told me that you have children with you. If anyone else has particular needs, or needs transport on the day, please let me know.  You will be allocated points at the briefing. It’s a long course, and there’s not very many of us, so we may ask you to cover more than one point — those marshalling at or near the start will be asked to  move on to  places further along the course, while those towards the middle will move to the later stages and the finish.
Please familiarise yourselves with the course: If you have an OS map of the area, please bring it. You’ll find it useful to know where you are on the course in miles — runners often ask, even if they have a GPS watch —and another frequently asked question is how far the next water station is,
Other equipment you will need:
  • A mobile phone, fully charged. You may find it useful to add my number, 07799 671321, and Ash Head, the Race Director’s, 07768 942247, to your address books
  • Food and drink for your needs. If you want to bring jelly babies, oranges, etc, for the runners, they will certainly appreciate it
  • Suitable clothing for a day on the hills. The runners can keep warm by running, we have to stand still. Check the weather forecast the day beforehand and be prepared.
We’ll provide:
  • a fabulously chic Moyleman tabard
  • a black sack for collecting any rubbish runners may leave behind
  • foil blankets to keep casualties warm, just in case
  •  contact details for the chief marshal and for medical help
  • free beer at the finish
Some marshals at key points will be equipped with walkie-talkies, which may help in those parts of the course where there’s poor mobile coverage.
Some of us will be walking the course the day before, putting up the race signs. Anyone who’d like to help is very welcome. Please contact Ash, the Race Director
And, if you know of anyone else who’s free to marshal, please ask them to contact me. The more we have, the lighter the load for each of us.
Thanks again. Do ask if you have any questions.
Looking forward to meeting you next Sunday, and to a splendid race.